Thursday, Easter Octave: After watching all the discharge videos and reading line-by-line of the discharge papers, Charles has finally been released to come home! 67 days in the hospital! It's been quite a stay for this little boy. He hung in there when his brother's sac ruptured, recovered each time he would hold his breath, held strong when he was separated from his brother, and even managed to look manly when given the occasional pink blanket.
We're really happy to have Charles home and are looking forward to the day we receive his brother. Ambrose still has a lot of ground that he needs to cover. Last night was a rough one for him and for the nurse. He weighs 4lbs 8oz. He's still on the vent and receiving 40 assisted breaths per minute. Occasionally, he'll take some breaths over the vent, but, most of the time, he's resting. He had been receiving antibiotics when it was thought he had an infection, but all the test results and cultures have returned negative, so they have been discontinued. Initially, when he returned to the NICU from Intermediate Care, we felt very discouraged. It meant having to go through the first 6 weeks all over again. We understand that him returning to the NICU means that he still needs to rest and to go slow. We don't want to rush him into breathing completely on his own if he is not ready. We'll continue to pray for his recovery and we'll patiently follow him until he's ready to come home.
YEAH!! So excited for you guys...if you need anything don't hesitate to call!! God Bless-
ReplyDeleteThe Cady Fam
Yay Charles! So glad he is doing well. Will continue to pray for Ambrose.
ReplyDeleteAdrienne H.