January 05, 2009

Gina back to hospital this week


Today Gina had an ultrasound and Baby B was measured with 2+cm of fluid. Quite an improvement! She will be admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital this Friday, 01/09, and will receive steroids to speed the development of the twins' lungs. They will be 24 weeks this week and will be considered viable. Of course, we still want them to stay put!

Please continue to pray for Gina and the twins.....Oh...and for me, too! Once Gina enters the hospital a new adventure will take place at the Iker house! It will be me and the boys (John Paul & Josef) roughing it, so to speak. I'll be propping the tent in the living room and we'll be eating hot dogs and smores for most evening meals. John Paul will love it, I'm certain!

Remember that you are all in our prayers. We're still hoping for a miracle, but are content with whatever God has planned.


1 comment:

  1. Prayers for her Safety, she is already taking care of 3 kids (yes including you Ryan :P)

