January 09, 2009

St. Gerard Majella--Patron Saint of Expectant Mothers

Great article about St. Gerard and his handkerchief. It's fascinating how he became Patron of Expectant Mothers. Gina has his relic in the hospital room with her and we are daily asking for his intercession. Check this one out, too!

One more thing, please keep the hospital staff in your prayers, as well as Gina and the twins. Gina has been very fortunate to have had some wonderful nurses at St. Joseph's. Many fail to notice the amount of work they do that goes hidden to the world and the dedication they have for their profession.

Prayer for Doctors and Nurses
O merciful Father, who have wonderfully fashioned man in your own image, and have made his body to be a temple of the Holy Spirit, sanctify, we pray you, our doctors and nurses and all those whom you have called to study and practice the arts of healing the sick and the prevention of disease and pain. Strengthen them in body and soul, and bless their work, that they may give comfort to those for whose salvation your Son became Man, lived on this earth, healed the sick, and suffered and died on the Cross. Amen

St. Gerard, pray for us!

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