Well, the last couple of weeks have been very busy. We have multiple medical appointments each week, 6 so far this week. Even when we're home all day, it's non-stop action from dawn (or earlier) until dusk (or later).
We have hired a nanny to come to the house and keep the boys during the day since I will return to work next week. My feelings about this alternate between relief and guilt. I know the kids will be in good hands for the few hours that I will be gone; the nanny is both competent and confident.
As for the boys, they're doing well. John Paul was able to spend a few days camping at the beach with Grandpa Metzger. He and Daddy are just finishing the Swiss Family Robinson, his first non-picture book.
Josef has bloomed into quite the helper/entertainer for the twins. He talks to them, shakes rattles, dances and sings silly songs to keep them happy. He learned all thses tricks from his Daddy.
Charlie is fat (comparatively) and happy. He is very social, talking and laughing with anyone who will listen. At his 6 month well-baby check-up on Monday, he weighed 11 lbs, 11 oz which is the 25tn percentile for his adjusted age (3 months).
Ambrose weighs 9 lbs, 14 oz which is less than 5th percentile, but he is gaining weight. Both twins are 23" long. Ambrose is still at 1/4 lmp of oxygen, but sating in the high 90s. We're giving him a break from the oral feedings until we can wean him from the oxygen. In the meantime, he takes 10mL thickened milk from a bottle once or twice a day just so he doesn't forget how to swallow. In 3 weeks, his hip will be re-examined by the orthopedic to see if the Pavlick harness is doing it's job. Ambrose qualifies for benefits with the AZ Early Intervention Program. They determined he has a 25-50% delay in several developmental areas. These are all because of his medical issues, and will resolve once his health improves, but it qualifies him for PT OT and speech therapy.
Saturday, August 1, we took Ambrose to a miracle healing service led by Damian Stayne. His ministry boasts over 30,000 healings in the last 5 years alone. Although Ambrose, and Charlie for that matter, are already miracle babies, we thought it was worth a shot if we could get just one more for his lungs or hip or swallow. But at the same time, these are all things that can be cured naturaly or from therapy, and don't require a miracle. We are greateful for that much.
The boys are looking forward to a visit from one of their NyICU nurses; Nurse Becky is comig over for a visit.
hi gina its madison the boys are doing really well they have gotten alot bigger since the last time iv seen them